Παραγένεσις και συνθήκες μεταμόρφωσης μαργαϊκών πετρωμάτων = Paragenesis and condotions of aarl metamorphism.
In the present study the process of rock transformation and in particular the transformation of marl, which is a biogenic sediment. Basic concepts of rocks, their definition and their division initially into magmatic or igneous rocks are described. Afterwards,formation processes and physical and mechanical properties of sedimentary rocks are discussed. Particularly, biogenic sediments that are the accumulation or deposition of inorganic material from animal or plant organisms. Their distribution and their categorization into carbonate deposits, stromatolites and humic compounds are discussed. Finally, the metamorphism of marl is studied.In low metamorphic conditions, Al-poor marls consist of carbonates and phyllosilicate minerals. As the metamorphic grade increases, dolomite, tremolite and finally diopside are formed. The initial mineral assemblage of Al-rich marls consists of pyrophyllite+quartz+calcite. During prograde metamorphism the assemblages muscovite+plagioclase+potassium feldspar and clinozoisite+plagioclase+potassium feldspar will form under low and intermediate amphibolite facies, respectively. The paragenesis at high amphibolite facies is plagioclase+potassium feldspar+quaetz+calcite. The mineral assemblages that occur from marl metamorphism depend on their initial mineral composition. In general, marls lose their carbonate minerals and become pure silicate rocks, usually at amphibolite facies metamorphic comditions.
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Διαδικτυακές Πηγές
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