Τα βενθονικά τρηματοφόρα ως περιβαλλοντικοί δείκτες στο σύγχρονο θαλάσσιο οικοσύστημα του Θερμαϊκού κόλπου = Benthic foraminifera as environmental indices in the marine ecosystem of Thermaikos Gulf.
The present master thesis deals with the study of assemblages of recent benthic foraminifera, both dead and living. Sampling of the surface sediment was carried out in the innermost part of the Thermaikos Gulf (Thessaloniki Bay), in North Aegean. Two biotic indices, the FSI and the Foram-AMBI, were also applied to determine the ecological quality status of the studied area. Thermaikos Gulf was chosen because it is an area with a vital significance for the city of Thessaloniki and the North Aegean in general and a study based on benthic foraminifera has never been carried out in the past. Samples were collected from 5 stations for 4 different months through the year. The foraminifera specimens have been picked in each sample and identified in genera and species level. The foraminifera distribution and the abiotic parameters were studied, like heavy metals, salinity, precipitation, chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature (T), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), and euphotic zone (Secchi disc). Finally, the two biotic indices were used based on the living foraminifera assemblages. The results of the study showed that the total assemblages (dead+living) are similar in each month, with the sensitive foraminifera being abundant at the western part of the gulf and the stress-tolerant in the rest of the gulf, while in the living assemblages the sensitive foraminifera are abundant only in station S2. The studied area presents high levels of dissolved oxygen, diversity and high numbers of living individuals, even though Thermaikos is considered as an eutrophicated gulf. As far as the two biotic indices, they present different results. According to the FSI, the inner Thermaikos gulf presents a poor to medium ecological quality status, but according to Foram-AMBI it presents a good ecological quality status.
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Theocharis, A. and Georgopoulos, [...]
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