Εμφανίσεις Πολύτιμων Λίθων στην Ελλάδα = Gemstone Appearances in Greece
Λέξεις-κλειδιά: Εμφανίσεις πολύτιμων λίθων, πετρώματα-ξενιστές, ποικιλίες χαλαζία, Ελλάδα
In the Hellenides Orogen, various minerals of gem quality occur in different rock types from four main tectono-metamorphic units, the Rhodope, Pelagonian, and the Attico-Cycladic massifs, and the Phyllites-Quartzites unit of Crete Island. In crystalline rocks, gemstones are related to both regional metamorphic-metasomatic processes (e.g., gem corundums, Mn-andalusite, spessartine, titanite, jadeite), and to the formation of late alpine-type fissures, such as, for example, quartz, albite, adularia and titanite. The Tertiary magmatic-hydrothermal environments provide gem-quality sapphire, beryl, garnet, vesuvianite, epidote, fluorite, and SiO2 varieties. The supergene oxidation zone of the Lavrion deposit hosts gem-quality smithsonite and azurite. The volcanic rocks of Kornofolia area, Evros, host a number of epithermal-type veins which comprise mainly silica polymorphs such as quartz (green), chalcedony, opal and amethyst in association with various silicates, carbonates, oxides and sulfides. The color of these green quartz crystals is caused by two generations of small amphibole inclusions incorporated in the quartz crystal. Apart from the silica polymorphs, the veins are accompanied by calcite and zeolites. Host rocks are Oligocene to Pleistocene calc-alkaline to shoshonitic lavas and pyroclastics of intermediate to acidic composition. The veins are integral parts of high to intermediate sulfidation epithermal mineralized centers in northern Greece (e.g., Kassiteres, Kirki, Kornofolia, Lesvos Island) and on Milos Island. Colloform–crustiform banding with alternations of amethyst, chalcedony and/or carbonates is a common characteristic of the studied amethyst-bearing veins. Hydrothermal alteration around the quartz veins includes sericitic, K-feldspar (adularia), propylitic and zeolitic types. Amethysts from Kornofolia, Megala Therma, Kalogries and Chondro Vouno were formed by mixing of moderately saline hydrothermal fluids with low-salinity fluids at relatively lower temperatures. Both quartz varieties (green quartz and amethyst) are characterized by isotopic compositions that suggest mixing of magmatic and meteoric/marine fluids. The contribution of meteoric fluid is more significant in the final stages and reflects amethyst precipitation under more oxidizing conditions.
Key words: Appearances of gemstones, host rocks, quartz varieties, Greece
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