Οξειδωτικές διεργασίες και υπεργενή κοιτάσματα Zn-Pb = Oxidative processes and supergene deposits Zn-Pb
This study focused on the characteristics of the supergene Zn-Pb non-sulphide deposits (SNSZ), the genetic processes and the factors that control their genesis and conservation. SNSZ deposits are usually formed by surface or near-surface oxidation of hypogene Zn-rich sulphide deposits under erosion-friendly conditions. The supergene deposits are divided into three subgroups. The most common are the direct-replacement and the wall rock-replacement and the least common are residual and karst-fill. Direct replacement deposits are also known as "red ores" due to their high content of Fe-(hydr)oxides and wall rock-replacement deposits are known as "white ores" and consist of hydrozincite, smithsonite, and minor Fe-(hydr)oxides. The two main host rock types of SNSZ deposits are carbonate and silicate rocks, which in fact control the mineralogy of the ores, with smithsonite, hydrozincite and hemimorphite associated with the carbonate rocks and with sauconite, hemimorphite, scholzite and tarbuttite associated with silicate rocks. However, the most common host rock type is carbonates in which the formation of supergene can be subdivided into a sulphide oxidation stage and in a geochemically and mineralogically post-oxidation stage. The SNSZ deposits are formed via oxidation by meteoric water, dissolution of primary sulphides, the mobilization and transport of Zn in acid solution and reprecipitation as secondary, non-sulphide zinc ore. Oxidation and fractionation, subsurface dissolution and mechanical erosion are the most important parameters for the formation and conservation of SNSZ in local-scale, while tectonic setting, crustal uplift and (paleo-)climate are the most important in regional-scale. Preservation of supergene Zn-Pb non-sulfide deposits is better under hyperarid conditions and even better when protected by cover, preferably of dry, non-reactive sediments. Finally, the supergene non-sulfide deposits are distinguished in the typical / characteristic "Calamines" which includes the Lavrio deposits, in the peculiar "Calamines" an illustrative example of which is Angouran, Iran and in the "Others" to which the Skorpion deposit (Namibia) belongs.
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