Κατανομή και ταξινόμηση της μικροπανίδας στα παράκτια οικοσυστήματα της ν.Λήμνου = Distribution and systematics of the microfauna at the coastal ecosystems of Lemnos Island.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: Τρηματοφόρα, περιβαλλοντικοί δείκτες, παράκτια οικοσυστήματα, Λήμνος
For the assessment of the current environmental conditions in the coastal area of Lemnos, foraminiferal sampling was carried out in 6 different locations (Keros, Plati, Chavouli, Evgatis, Hephaestia, Mikro Fanaraki). The methods applied included a fauna analysis and the statistical processing of the data, with calculation of faunal indices [Taxa (S), Dominance (D), Shannon (H’), Equitability (J), Density]. A total of 843 individuals belonging to 17 genera and 26 species of foraminifera were collected from the study areas, as well as 137 broken/reworked specimens. Five faunal assemblages were distinguished: A. Assemblage of typical shallow marine environment (Keros, Plati sites), with typical species A. beccarii, small rotaliids, Elphidium spp., Peneroplis spp., miliolids and high values of faunal indices, B. Assemblage of shallow marine environment with seagrass (Chavouli site) with typical species P. pertusus, A. beccarii, miliolids, Elphidium spp., small rotaliids and moderate values of faunal indices. C. Assemblage of shallow marine environment with freshwater inputs (Evgatis site), with typical species E. crispum, A. beccarii, miliolids and moderate-low values of faunal indices. D. Assemblage of open lagoon (Hephaestia site) with typical species Quinqueloculina sp. 1, A. tepida, E. crispum, P. planatus and low values of faunal indices. E. Assemblage of shallow marine environment with strong waves (Mikro Fanaraki site) with typical species A. beccarii, Elphidium spp., Peneroplis spp., miliolids, small rotaliids and moderate-high values of faunal indices. This work proves the usefulness of foraminifera as environmental bioindicators and provides new data for the NE Aegean.
Keywords: Foraminifera, environmental indices, coastal ecosystems, Lemnos
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