Κοιτάσματα οξειδίων Fe-Ti-V σε βασικά πυριγενή πετρώματα = Fe-Ti-V oxide ore deposits in mafic igneous rocks.
The present diploma thesis is the result of bibliographical research on the topic of Fe-Ti-V oxide ore deposits in mafic igneous rocks. Its aim is to highlight the most important features of these deposits. Chapter 2 refers to the host rocks of the Fe-Ti-V oxide deposits and their geochemical characteristics. Chapter 3 is dedicated to the explanation of the processes and mechanisms that result in the formation of Fe-Ti-V oxide deposits. The various forms and types of the ore bodies are discussed in chapter 4, while chapters 5 and 6 present the characteristic minerals that appear in this type of ore deposits. Chapter 7 is about the classification of the Fe-Ti-V oxide ore deposits, with main classification criteria being their mineralogical composition. Finally, in chapter 8, some of the most important Fe-Ti-V oxide ore deposits worldwide are discussed.
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Βαβελίδης Μ., Μέλφος Β., Παρουσιάσεις Εργαστηρίων Μαθήματος
“Κοιτασματολογία Μεταλλευμάτων”, Α.Π.Θ. http://www.geo.auth.gr/courses/gmo/gmo645y/pdf_labs/3o_erg_2008.pdf
Κορωναίος Α., Ηλεκτρονικός Ιστότοπος μαθήματος “Πετρολογία Πυριγενών Πετρωμάτων”, Α.Π.Θ. http://www.geo.auth.gr/courses/gmo/gmo317y/
Κορωναίος Α., Παρουσιάσεις μαθήματος “Γενική Γεωχημεία”, Α.Π.Θ. http://www.geo.auth.gr/courses/gmo/gmo535y/paroysiaseis.htm
Σολδάτος Τ., Παπαδοπούλου Λ., Ηλεκτρονικός Ιστότοπος μαθήματος “Ορυκτολογία”, , Α.Π.Θ. http://www.geo.auth.gr/courses/gmo/gmo106y/
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