Δορυφορική μελέτη ενός μέσης κλίμακας νεφικού συστήματος κατακόρυφης ανάπτυξης στην Ελλάδα = Use of satellite data for a study of mesoscale connective system in Greece.
The present thesis is concerned with the study of a Mesoscale Convective System (MCS), developed over the Greek territory on July 16 and 17, 2017. First, the synoptic condition of the time period and the dynamic causes responsible for the creation and intensity of the system are being examined. For this purpose, maps of meteorological parameters addressed to different levels of the atmosphere, vertical cross-sections along the area of interest, as well as skew-t diagrams of Athens, Thessaloniki and Bridizi are presented. Thereafter, satellite images from the MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) satellite are analyzed. The study of satellite products is the main purpose and the main part of this thesis. The satellite products come from single channels, channel differences and RGB combinations. Information obtained from the satellite images concern the extent of the system, the stages of development, the form and shape of the individual components of MCS, as well as the areas affected by the storm system. To mention, during the evolution, the system acquired the form of a Multicell Cluster Storm, shortly after the characteristic V-shape (large-scale Wedge Type) and before its dissipation, its shape and extent placed the system in the category of a Meso-β Circular Convective System (M-βCCS). In addition, this thesis analyzes in detail the cloud top height and the cloud microphysics, such as their composition and optical thickness. Finally, dynamic parameters are plotted in satellite images, in order to better understand the phenomenon and its causes.
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