Υδρογεωλογικές έρευνες στην παράκτια περιοχή από Μεγάλο Έμβολο έως Καλλικράτεια = Hydrogeological investigations in the coastal area from Megalo Emvolo to Kallikrateia.
The aim of this study is to investigate the hydrogeological and hydrochemical conditions in the coastal part of the Eastern Thermaic Gulf, from Megalo Emvolo to New Kallikratia. Specifically, the hydrogeological research was focused on the seawater intrusion phenomenon in the coastal aquifers. The site covers an area of 252.5 km2, has a mean altitude of 96.5 m and a shoreline of 39 km. The terrain is variable with mean slopes of 10%; steep slopes are located in the mountainous region, whereas the terrain is flat near the coast. Geologically the study area is located in the Paionia zone. Most of the area consists of Neogene sediments. Quaternary sediments are found in the coastal parts and riverbeds, while in the northeast part of the area are located the bedrock formation. The average rainfall for the years 2008-2011 is 481.2 mm, while the average annual temperature is 15.98 oC. The actual evapotranspiration using the Thornthwaite - Mather method is 385.33 mm , which corresponds to 80.07% of the annual rainfall. The hydrogeological interest is focused on the porous formations of the area. The recharge of aquifers is mainly from the direct infiltration of precipitation. The hydraulic conductivity values ??range from 3.99 ? 10-7 m/s to 2.45 ? 10-4 m /s . The piezometric maps revealed that the groundwater flow direction is from the northeast to the southwest, while negative piezometric heads appearing in the coastal area due to seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifers. The hydrochemical research of the area revealed the phenomenon of salinization in the coastal aquifers of Angelochori, Epanomi, Nea Iraklia and Nea Kallikratia. High values of electrical conductivity, high concentrations of chloride, sodium , calcium ions and values ??of ionic ratios Na+/Cl-, Na+/K+, Cl-/(CO3-2+HCO3-), Cl-/SO4-2 και Ca+2/(HCO3-+ SO4-2) in these areas established seawater intrusion and are the main cause of degradation of groundwater quality. Increased nitrate concentrations also occur in the study area constituting a major deterioration problem of the studied aquifer due to the extensive use of fertilization in crops. The heavy metals encountered are due to geological formations and the existence of geothermal fluids. Also the study of the water table fluctuation in relation to the electrical conductivity values and the concentrations of chloride and sodium ions shows an increase of these values as the underground water level drops. The electrical resistivity tomographies (ERT) were performed in order to determine the extent of seawater intrusion. According to ERT a short distance from the coast the seawater intrusion affects the aquifers at a depth of 50-100 m from the ground surface moving away from the coast it expands to greater depths. Based on the comparison of ERT between the dry and the wet period, there is a decrease in the seawater intrusion zone in April 2011 compared to September 2010, due to the recharge of the aquifers during the wet period from precipitation.
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