Υδρογεωλογική προσομοίωση του παράκτιου αλλουβιακού υδροφορέα της λεκάνης απορροής του ποταμού Χαβρία Χαλκιδικής σε συνθήκες κλιματικής αλλαγής = Hydrogeological simulation of the coastal alluvial aquifer of the Havrias river basin in Chalkidiki under climate change conditions.
The object of the dissertation thesis is to introduce a comprehensive methodology, which can be implemented into any ungauged or data-scarce aquifer, reducing the uncertainties in hydrogeological-hydrological simulation due to the limited observed hydrogeological-hydrological and meteorological data. Overall, the proposed methodology leads to the reliable estimation of the potential climate change impacts on an aquifer. For this purpose, climate, hydrological and groundwater flow models, tools (GIS) and statistical packages (R statistical program) were coupled. The proposed methodology was carried out in a coastal alluvial aquifer, being part of the Havrias river basin (Chalkidiki, Greece). The general circulation models (GCMs), Hadley Global Environment Model 2 (HadGME2) and MPI Earth System Model running on mixed resolution grid (MPI) under the extreme RCP8.5 pathway were used as forcing data to the Regional Climate Model Version 4 (RegCM4) in order to represent the future climate over the research area. The reliability of the RegCM4 climate model to represent the climate conditions over the research area was enhanced by applying the spatio-temporal Kriging approach. The spatio-temporal Kriging was also implemented into the climate model simulations for the future periods (2031-2050 and 2080-2099). Based on the results, the changes (increase/decrease) in the future climate parameters vary between the General Circulation models (GCMs). Then, the MODFLOW was employed to simulate the groundwater system of the coastal aquifer of the Havrias river basin under climate change conditions. The aquifer’s recharge was quantified by using the ArcSWAT hydrological model. The aquifer is mainly recharged mainly by rainfall infiltration, infiltration through torrent beds and irrigation returns. The potential climate change effects on the hydrological components (infiltration, surface runoff and evapotranspiration) over the research area until the end of the 21st century were investigated by driving the ArcSWAT model with the Regional Climate Model Version 4 (RegCM4) forcing data, resulted from the spatio-temporal Kriging approach. According to the results, the response of the hydrological components varies between the climate model simulations. In particular, the infiltration reduction ranges between 4.5-11% (2031-2050) and 15-27% (2080-2099). Moreover, it is proved that both precipitation and temperature are the most influential climate parameters in determining the water balance of the study area. Τhe results from the SWAT application with the climate model data, namely the estimated infiltration and runoff, were used as input data to drive the MODFLOW model. The groundwater simulation indicated that the reduce in infiltration resulted in the groundwater level decline until the end of the 21st century. The estimated decline of the groundwater level implies the decrease in the water resources availability and the seawater intrusion, causing the qualitative and quantitative deterioration of the aquifer system. In conclusion, the above methodology can be applied into any ungauged or data-scarce aquifer for the reasonable assessment of hydrogeological-hydrological impacts of climate change.
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