A cartographic approach to help students in developing geo-reaction
The goal of the paper is to investigate the role of HyperAtlas as a tool to invigorate instructions and provide innovative content deliverables in teaching geography as well as in using it as the means to increase student’s spatial perception and reasoning. In order to accomplish this goal there is a need for a series of processes/stages aiming at familiarizing students with the three major components of spatial thinking, namely: situation, distance and structure of space. Based on these, this paper presents a framework based on examples in France and in Greece, of how to reinforce cognition in space, through instruction with maps, in order to enhance geographical education. It is based on t he fact that maps can facilitate the combination of numerous questions and their answers through active inquiry as students are investigating their environment. In this way maps became an effective way to teach geography via problem solving. More specifically, based on a multi-level tool that is used to measure, and map territorial disparities developed by researchers in geography and information technology (ESPON Program), two kinds of materials were designed; the first one, intended for teachers, presents them with tools that help them to work with HyperAtlas and the second one, targeting pupils, provides students with the necessary lessons’ guide.As a result, different representations of space reflect a dialectical and interactive relationship between reality and space-policy consensus action in Europe, thus bringing students into a geo-reaction.
Λέξεις κλειδιά
10ο Διεθνές Γεωγραφικό Συνέδριο; 10th International Geographical Congress; geography education; γεωγραφική εκπαίδευση; spatial thinking; spatial disparities; didactic process; mapping, geography
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