
Κοιτάσματα χρωμίτη Αλπικού τύπου σε οφιολίθους = Podiform chromite deposits in ophiolites.
Chromium is a chemical element that is widely used in industry and the costructions. Its primary source is chromite deposits, characterized by high amounts of chromium oxides. The aim of this Bachelor thesis is the review of podiform chromite deposits found in ophiolite complexes. After presenting the basic characteristics of chromium as a chemical element, extensive reference is made to chromite, its main sources, and the rocks in which it forms, the ophiolites. The thesis continues by presenting basic characteristics of the deposits, citing information about the geotrctonic environments in which they are formed and the form we find them in the field. As a final part of the review, important deposits of this type are presented, from worldwide as well as from Greece. From this analysis it was found that the study and clarification of the nature and appearance of these deposits is substantial, both for the global industry and for understanding of their role in the geotectonic evolution of continents.
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