
Γεωμορφολογία για το φαράγγι του Άβακα στη Κύπρο στη περιοχή της Πάφου = Geomorphology of the Avakas gorge in the wider area of Paphos, SW Cyprus.
In this dissertation, the Avakas Gorge is studied, which is in the region of Pegeia, in the Akamas Peninsula where is located in the WSW Cyprus. The gorge extends and follows the Avgas River, from which it took its name. As a gorge is included of the NATURA 2000 network, due to its natural beauty.
The research focuses on the hydrographic network of the Avgas River, in which a fieldwork was carried out, in order to the geologically mapping of the significant points of interests and the imprinting them on the map. Primarily, data were collected, such as geological and topographic maps, bibliography, etc. about the area of Paphos, more precise about the area of Pegeia. Then, the geological, tectonic, and geomorphological data of the gorge area were recorded during the fieldwork study, and after that the geomorphological characteristics and the hydrographic network of the Avgas River were digitized with the use of ArcGIS software. Finally, according to the geomorphological results, a correlation of the Avgas River was carried out, both the processes and the form of the Avgas River, which led to various conclusions regarding the interaction of the hydrographic networks with their immediate environment.
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