Δημιουργία βάσης γεωλογικών και άλλων γεωχωρικών δεδομένων για το Νομό Χίου σε περιβάλλον GIS = Creation of a database of geological and other geospatial data for the Chiow regional unit of Greece in a GIS environment.
In this undergraduate thesis there has been an effort for the creation of a geospatial database for the regional unit of Chios, using the geographic information system program “QGIS”. The usage of a GIS program is inseparably connected with spatial planning, geographic research, urban design planning and any kind of ground human intervention. This database consists of a range of geospatial information which are maps (topographic and geologic), geographic information (land use, road network, settlements etc.), topographic-geomorphologic information (trig points, hillshade etc.), hydrogeological information (hydrographic network, hydrolithology), geologic information (faults, seismic epicentres, rock erosion), and also satellite images from the Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 satellites by the European Space Agency). The aforementioned data are georeferenced in GGRS87 (Greek Geodetic Reference System 1987) and WGS84 reference systems, which results in the potential use on both a local and a global level. In addition, as a second part of the thesis, selected maps from these data were created.
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