Γένεση λοβόμορφων, Αλπικού τύπου κοιτασμάτων χρωμίτη σε οφιολιθικά συμπλέγματα = The genesis of podiform, Alpine type chromite deposits in ophiolite complexes.
The present diploma thesis refers to the genesis of podiform, Alpine type chromite deposits in ophiolite complexes. The podiform deposits occur in Alpine type peridotites having a pod form with limited extend, while the ophiolites are part of the oceanic lithosphere that form above supra-subductions zones (SSZ) in barc-arc basin position or in ocean basin spreading environments, and are emplaced in continental margins. The manle sections host the majority of chromite deposits, which are surrounded by dunite bodies in tectonite harzburgite and have formed by dymanic crystallization of the incoming magma, inside harzburgite - dunite canals or by interaction of melt and rock, where the host rock reacts with the incoming basaltic magma through percolation. Some of the most important chromite deposits which are related to ophiolite complexes, worldwide, are located in Vourinos, where the largest chromite mine in Europe has operated, in Oman which consists of the most shallowest stratigraphy and well maintained ophiolite with chorimite ores. Finally in Cyprus, where the study of geochemistry and mostly of the PGE content gave important information about the genesis of chorimte deposits.
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