Κοιτάσματα τύπου Ζορ Ανατολικής Μεσογείου = Hydrocarbon type Zohr in the Eatern Mediterranean.
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΚΛΕΙΔΙΑ: Κοιτάσματα Ζορ, Ανατολική Μεσόγειος, Δέλτα του Νείλου, Λεκάνη Ηρώδοτου, Λεκάνη Λεβαντίνης, ΗΜΕ.
The Eastern Mediterranean in the recent years has shown great scientific interest, since it is found in several geological phenomena. With the help of seismic data, tectonic evolution, stratigraphy of basins (Herodotus, Levantine) and other geological structures of the region, (Delta of Nile and ECB) as well as analysis of oil geology, the Eastern Mediterranean is presented as a focal point of creation, discovary and exploration of hydrocarbon. Nautural gas deposits such as Zohr, Aphrodite, Leviathan and Tamar discovered in the sedimentary basins of the Cyprus EEZ, north of the EEZ Egypt, in Israel as well as in the southern region of Crete.
KEYWORDS: Zohr, Eastern Mediterranean, Nile Delta, Herodotus basin, Levantine basin, ECB.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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