Διατρητικοί γεωλογικοί κίνδυνοι: ευστάθεια γεώτρησης, ολική ή μερική απώλεια διατρητικών ρευστών, ανώμαλες πιέσεις = Drilling geological hazards: wellbore stability, total or partial loss of drilling fluids, abnormal pressures.
Drilling geological hazards are some of the most significant factors that affect the efficiency and cost of a hydrocarbon drilling operation.They are numerous and their prediction or prevention is decisive for the exploration or production of hydrocarbons. The most common and hazardous geological problems are; the existence of Loss Circulation Zones, the Instability ofShales and the presence of Abnormal Pressures in the production zones. All these problems are related to the so-called drilling fluids. Drilling Fluid or else drilling mud has a very important role to the success of a drilling operation but at the same time can cause some problems, like the aforementioned, if the geologists or engineers do not take into consideration other factors. Thus, the right management of this fluid, which requires a well-planned drilling program, as well as the control of the systems needed to clean or circulate this fluid, will contribute to a productive drilling operation. The drilling fluids’ characteristics, the right selection of the mud cleaning’s system components, the knowledge of the factors that can cause these hazardous problems as well as the actions needed to be made to deal with them result to a well-organized drilling program.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
Spears & Associates, (2004), Oilfield Market Report, [https://spearsresearch.com/reports].
Skalle P., (2011), Drilling Fluid Engineering, Skalle P. & Ventus Publishing ApS.
Γεωργακόπουλος Α., Κοιτασματολογία Πετρελαίου.
Oilfield Review, Drilling Mud: Monitoring and Managing it.
H.C.H. Darley, George R. Gray, (1980), Composition and Properties of Drilling and Completion Fluids, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, TX.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers [ASME], (2005), Drilling Fluids Processing Handbook, Elsevier Inc.
American Association of Drilling Engineers, (1999), Shale Shakers and Drilling Fluid Systems, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, TX.
Fraser K., Peden J., Kenworthy A., (1991), Managing Drilling Operations, Elsevier Science Publishers LTD.
Amanullah Md, Alouhali R., Arfaj M., (2018), Impact of Geological and Geo-Mechanical Controls in Creating Various Drilling Problems.
Γεωργακόπουλος Α., Ευστάθεια Γεωτρήσεων
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., (2015), Fundamentals of Gas Shale Reservoirs.
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