Πηγματιτικά κοιτάσματα πολύτιμων λίθων = Pegmatitic Gemstone Deposits
This diploma thesis is the result of a bibliographical research based on the topic of gem-bearing pegmatitic deposits. Its aim is to enlighten the readers about which minerals are considered as gemstones with a reference to their basic features as well as to give information about the genesis of pegmatitic deposits that host them. More specifically, the second chapter notes the different types of gemstones and the characteristics that distinguish them. In the third and fourth chapters, respectively, the correlation between natural and synthetic gemstones and their management in the global market are demonstrated. After that, the fifth chapter focuses mainly on the prevailing conditions for the formation of pegmatitic deposits, while the sixth chapter analyzes the factors and conditions for the appearance of precious stones in this type of deposits. The seventh and final chapter lists typical examples of world-famous gemstone deposits.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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Simmons, W. B., Pezzotta, F., Shigley, J. E., & Beurlen, H. (2012). Granitic pegmatites as sources of colored gemstones. Elements, 8(4), 281-287.
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Hobart M. King, Ph.D., GIA Graduate Gemologist, “Ruby and Sapphire. Red corundums are rubies. Blue corundums are sapphires. Trace elements produce their colors.”
Hobart M. King, Ph.D., GIA Graduate Gemologist, “Diamond. The most popular gemstone. The hardest known substance. An amazing number of uses.”
Hobart M. King, Ph.D., GIA Graduate Gemologist. “Emerald, The bright green gem of the beryl mineral family and May birthstone.”
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