Ανασκόπηση των τραβερτινικών σπηλαίων με έμφαση στην παγκόσμια κατανομή και τις διεργασίες δημιουργίας τους = Overview of travertine caves with emphasis on their global distribution and processes of development
This thesis reviews the travertine caves based on available literature and attempts to present their formation and classification processes. The investigation of the subject reveals that there are travertine caves either primary or secondary. This means that they have been created at contemporaneously with or after the formation of the surrounding rock, respectively. In addition, mixed cave structures with more complex evolution have been reported. The number of studies on these caves seems to be relatively small, although their geographical distribution is significant, as the only continent without travertine caves is Antarctica. The findings of various disciplines of science in these caves (e.g. paleontology) make them important research sites. Special studies are needed for the stability of underground travertine structures. Many of them are also important geosites and contribute significantly to geotourism.
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