Μελέτη της έκπλυσης βαρέων μετάλλων από μίγματα ιπτάμενης τέφρας - ματγαϊκού ασβεστίλοθοθ- ζεολιθικού τόφφου τύπου HEU (καινοπτιθλόλιθος-ευλανδίτης) = Study of heavy metals leaching from mixtures of fly ash–marl–HEU-type (clinοptilolite- heulandite) zeolitic tuff.
The leachability of fly ash + marl mixtures (Agios Dimitrios power plant, Ptolemais) + zeolitic tuff (Ntrista stream, Petrota, Evros) was studied. The fly ash contains mainly, lime (48 wt%), anhydride (13 wt%), amorphous materials (13 wt%) and calcite (10 wt%). The marl contains mainly, aragonite (47 wt%), muscovite (16 wt%) and calcite (11 wt%). The zeolitic tuff contains mainly clinoptilolite (85 wt%).In the starting materials the leachability is Fe <1.24 mg/L, Mn <0.14 mg/L, Mg <9.1 mg/L, Ca <902 mg/L, Na <12.2 mg/L , K <75.4 mg/L, Cu <0.05 mg/L, Sr <6.76 mg/L, Zn <0.08 mg/L, As <3.3 µg/L, Cd <0.1 μg/L, Co <1 μg/L, Cr <628 µg/L, Hg <0.2 μg/L, Mo <68 µg/L, Ni <8.3 µg/L, Pb <9.9 µg/L, Sb <2.8 µg/L and Se <10.2 µg/L. The leachability of the trace elements Sr, Cd, Co and Hg is zero in all mixtures and of Ni in the zeolitic tuff mixtures. In the fly ash + marl mixtures, the leachability of trace elements is, Sr 2.00-5.69 mg/L, Zn 0.24-0.71 mg/L, Cr 535-1279 µg/L, Mo 51.5-181 µg/L, Sb 2.6-19.9 µg/L, Pb up to 10.9 µg/L, As 4.6-10.8 µg/L, Se 4.0-6.8 µg/L and Ni up to 1.6 µg/L, while in the fly ash + marl + zeolitic tuff mixtures is, Sr 4.90-6.94 mg/L, Zn up to 0.64 mg/L, Cr 430-570 µg/L, Mo 44-73 µg/L, Sb 2.0-2.9 µg/L, Pb up to 8.3 µg/L, As 1.3-3.7 µg/L and Se 8.3-9.2 µg/L. In the fly ash + marl mixtures, with increasing percentage of marl (from 25 wt% to 75 wt%), the leaching decreases for Sr (from 5.69 mg/L to 2.00 mg/L), for Cr (from 1279 µg/L to 535 µg/L) and for Se (from 6.8 µg/L to 4.0 µg/L). In the fly ash + marl + zeolitic tuff mixtures, with increasing percentage of zeolitic tuff (from 5 wt% to 25 wt%), the leaching decreases for Sr (from 6.94 mg/L to 4.90 mg/L), for Cr (from 570 µg/L to 430 µg/L) and for Se (from 9.2 µg/L to 8.3 µg/L). Of particular environmental importance is the further reduction of Cr leaching with the addition of zeolitic tuff. The clinoptilolite rich zeolitic tuff, can be used to reduce the leaching of heavy metals and of toxic concentrations of trace elements. The optimum mixture that can be proposed for the environmental deposition of fly ash is, 75 wt% fly ash + 25 wt% marl + 25 wt% clinoptilolite rich zeolitic tuff.
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