Εκπλυσιμότητα περιβαλλοντικά σημαντικών κύριων στοιχείων και ιχνοστοιχείων από μίγματα ιπτάμενης τέφρας-μάργας του Λιγνιτικού Κέντρου Δ. Μακεδονίας σε διαφορετικές συνθήκες pH. = Leachability of environmental important major and trace elements of fly ash-marl mixtures from the Lignite Center of W. Macedonia, Greece, in different pH conditions.
A study was contacted using fly ash and marl samples from the sites of Agios Dimitrios Power Station and South Field, respectively. Five samples (M1-M5), with different percentages of fly ash and marl by weight, were prepared, so to analyze their content elements. It should be noted that when they are in contact with water, they can have a very negative environmental impact. The initial fly ash sample consists of 30 wt% lime, 25 wt% amorphous material, 12 wt% anhydride, 8 wt% calcite, 8 wt% quartz, 6 wt% gehlenite, 5 wt% portlandite, 4 wt% hematite, 1 wt% plagioclase and 1 wt% micas and clay-minerals. Following the process of leaching, new mineralogical phases were formed, depending on the pH conditions, such as ettringite, monosulfate (Ca4Al2O6(SO4)_14H2O), gypsum, basanite, and vaterite. The mineralogical composition of the pre-leaching marl contained 47 wt% aragonite, 24 wt% amorphous material, 12 wt% calcite, 6 wt% quartz, chlorite (-/+kaolinite) 4%, 3 wt% mica + clay minerals, 1 wt% dolomite, 1 wt% talc and 1 wt% plagioclase, however, after leaching, it was unchanged. Due to the increase in the percentage of marl, the amount of aragonite, calcite, ettringite, anhydrite, gehlenite, basanite, quartz, and amorphous material had changed. According to chemical analyses, the initial fly ash consists mainly of CaO, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO and SO3, while the initial marl consists of CaO, SiO2 and Al2O3. The fly ash is overburdened in terms of the average composition of the continental crust in CaO and significantly burdened in SO3, while the examined marl is overburdened in terms of CaO and it appears inadequate in all the other main elements. The fly ash is overburdened in the trace elements Br, Cd, Ni, Sb, U, and significantly burdened in Mo and W. The marl appears overburdened in Ni, while in all other trace elements it is poor to moderately burdened. At pH values, 6 to 12, fly ash mainly leaches high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, chromium and nickel in the liquid phase, lower concentrations of potassium, strontium, sodium, cobalt, iron, rubidium and zinc. Likewise, from the sample of marl were leached mainly high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, nickel and chromium, lower concentrations of potassium, strontium, sodium, cobalt, copper and zinc, while the mixtures of fly ash and marl had high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, nickel, chromium, rubidium and lower concentrations of potassium, strontium, sodium, cobalt, iron and zinc. The higher concentrations of calcium and chromium are found in the fly ash and the higher concentration of nickel in the mixture M5. In conclusion, at all samples and at all pH values 6 to 12, the trace elements manganese, lead, and tin, although being measured, were found in concentrations below the detection limit.
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Διαδικτυακές Πηγές
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