Εντοπισμός ιχνών αεροσκαφών από δορυφορικά δεδομένα και εκτίμηση των ευνοϊκών ατμοσφαιρικών συνθηκών = Detection of Jet aircraft contrails from satellite data and estimation of favorable atmospheric conditions.
Jet aircraft contrails, and the contrail – cirrus clouds generated from them, have a great effect on the radiation balance of the atmosphere and thus impact the climate. This study aims to study the physical features of contrails and determine the possible atmospheric conditions that favor their formation, with the use of satellite data. The contrails are detected on satellite images obtained by the SEVIRI radiometer on board MSG satellites, with the use of a modified version of the Contrail Detection Algorithm (Mannstein et al., 1999). The area of interest includes central and Western Europe and the time period is the whole year 2016. Using a dataset of detected contrails in satellite images, it asks: what are the physical properties of those contrails and under what atmospheric conditions have they formed? The subsequent statistical analysis of the detected contrails leads to the conclusion that there are five main contrail detection hot-spots, although the geographical distribution of the contrails, varies depending on the time of day and the season. The length of the detected contrails lies between 225 km and 292,5 km, the mean width between 5,1075 km and 8,1 km and their overall area between 993 km2 and 1463 km2. The total contrail cover of the scenes was up to 0,085 %, with greater values being detected during winter. Comparison of the locations of the detected contrails with the ERA-5 reanalysis database, revealed the atmospheric conditions favoring their formation. Results show that contrail formation is favored in water saturated areas (RH ≥ 100%), when the temperature is between 204 Κ and 232 Κ (-69,15 οC to -41,15 οC) and the specific humidity between 0,025 gr/kg and 0,05 gr/kg. The favorable wind direction is W-SW (240ο - 260ο) and wind speed between 10 m/s and 30 m/s.
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