Κοιτασματολογική μελέτη της μεταλλοφορίας αντιμονίτη στα Ριζανά, Κιλκίς = Study of the stibnite ore mineralization in Rizana, Kilkis.
The antimonite mineralization in Rizana belongs to the metallogenic region of Kilkis in Northern Greece. It is hosted in the gneiss of the Vertiskos unit in the Serbo-Macedonian massif. The magmatism that took place in the Serbo-Macedonian massif during Oligocene-Miocene is genetically associated with the formation of magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization including porphyry, epithermal, replacement, skarn and quartz-vein types. Two magmatic bodies occur in the broader area of Rizana, the Xylopolis Tertiary granite, and the Rizana rhyolite, dacite and rhyodacite. The mineralization is possibly related with the volcanic rocks and is found in quartz veins, which have a width of up to ..., m. These veins were mainly explored and exploited during the 1930s and 1950s by the Germans, leaving behind abandoned underground galleries in the area. The mineralization forms disseminations, massive sulfides, and is found in veinlets and in extensive hydrothermal breccias. It is tectonically controlled and is located along brittle shear zones. Antimonite is the main sulfide along with traces of sphalerite, pyrite, berthierite, chalcopyrite, valentinite and Fe-oxides. Quartz and barite are the gangue minerals. Sericitization and silicification are the major hydrothermal alterations of the rock. Extensive oxidation of the rock and the ore is also evident. Chemical analyses, in addition to antimony, have also shown enrichment in As, Cu, Ga, Li, Sr, Tl, V, W and REE, mainly La, Ce, Sc, Y. The hydrothermal breccias resulted in the fragmentation of gneiss and the gaps were filled with massive antimony mineralization. This shows that the hydrothermal fluids migrated through the cracks provided by the tectonics and the mineralization was deposited in the spaces. The study of fluid inclusions showed that the mineralization was formed under a limited range of temperature, salinity and pressure. The fluids had a low to moderate salinity (6.6-8.8 wt% equiv. NaCl) with relatively low homogenization temperatures (217-254° C, with a maximum at 220° C). These conditions indicate an epithermal hydrothermal event, formed at hydrostatic pressures from 23 to 40 bar and a depth of up to 400 meters. Finally, antimony contamination of water and soil in the area is a major environmental problem.
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