Προκαταρτική μελέτη του πορφυριτικού συστήματος στο Γερακαριό Κιλκίς = Preliminary study of the porphyry system in Gerakario of Kilkis
The Cu-Au porphyry and the Sb epithermal systems in Gerakario of Kilkis was formed at a magmatic-hydrothermal stage, associated with the Miocene magmatic activity in the Vertiskos unit of the Serbomacedonian massif. The ore mineralization is genetically linked to the syenite porphyry with an age of 22±0.8 Ma. The faults and fractures controlled the circulation of the fluids and the deposition of the mineralization. The mineralization at the surface is mainly oxidized and is hosted in the magmatic rocks (syenite porphyry and granodiorite porphyry) and in the adjacent metamorphic rocks (gneiss) of the Vertiskos unit. The syenite porphyry exhibits potassic alteration while the granodiorite porphyry has undergone potassic, sericitic, and propylitic alteration. The gneiss is characterized by sever sericite alteration at the contact with the syenite porphyry. Quartz veins of type A, B and D penetrate all these rocks and host restricted disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite mineralization, mainly oxidized. At the east side of the porphyry system there is an epithermal Sb mineralization, which is hosted in quartz veins developed in fractured zones of the gneiss. The study of the fluid inclusions revealed that an early magmatic fluid was initially dissipated at 600 to 1000° C and subsequently the temperature dropped (380° to 460° C, with a discrete peak at 430° C). The fluid was decomposed under boiling conditions in a high saline aqueous fluid phase (35.7 to 45.6 wt% equiv. NaCl) and in a gas phase with a moderate salinity (14.8 to 22.0 wt% equiv. NaCl) in the H2O-NaCl-KCl system. The fluids were trapped in the A and B quartz veins at pressures ranging from 100 to 580 bar. This indicates a maximum depth of 2 km for the formation of the Cu-Au deposit, under lithostatic pressures. The epithermal veins were formed from a fluid of low to moderate salinity (7.9 to 10.4 wt% NaCl) with homogenization temperatures of 280 to 320° C, with a discrete peak at 290° C. This fluid was formed due to the mixing of a high to moderate salinity solution and meteoric water. Hydrostatic pressures ranged from 65 to 116 bar, corresponding to a depth of 600 to 1000 meters for the formation of the epithermal Sb mineralization.
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