Δημιουργία βάσης δεδομένων ισοτοπικών αναλύσεων μολύβδου από ελληνικά κοιτάσματα = A data-base of Pb isotopes from ore mineralizations in Greece.
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to present, classify, and interpret the data derived from previous analyses of lead isotopes in Greek ore deposits. Such deposits are found throughout the Greek territory as well as in areas with the Ancient Greek civilization e.g. Asia Minor. This diploma thesis describes in the beginning the most important deposits, which are presented in details, and then depicts the less significant mineralizations. In the end, there is a small summary of the data as well as the conclusions drawn from their study.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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Vavelidis M., Gialoglou G., Melfos V., Wagner G.Α. (1996b). Goldgrube in Palaea Kavala/Griechenland: Entdeckung von Skaptehyle? Erzmetall: The World of Metallurgy, 49, 547-554.
Vavelidis M., Melfos V., Eleftheriadis G. (1997). Mineralogy and micro thermometric investigations in the Au-bearing sulphide mineralization of Palea Kavala (Macedonia, Greece). In: Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration Where do They Meet? Εd: Papunen, 343-346.
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Κoukouli-Chrisanthaki, Ch., Weisgerber, G., Gialoglou, G. & Vavelidis, M. (1988): Praehistorischer - und juenger Bergbau auf Eisenpigmente auf Thasos. Anschnitt, Bh. 6, 241-244.
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