Πετρολογική και γεωχημική μελέτη του πλουτωνίτη του Παπίκιου όρους = Petrological and geochemical study of Mt Papikion pluton.
This thesis examines the plutonite of Mt Papikion, which belongs geotectonically to the Dome of Kardamos and covers about 100 km2 in the southwestern part of the Dome in Greece. It extends from the region of Iasmos in the east to the area of Komotini in the west and from the Xanthi-Komotini ‘s fault in the south to the Greek-Bulgarian borders in the north. The plutonite has a distinctive gneiss texture mainly on its margins. In the southwest it comes in contact with marbles. In its northeastern part it comes into contact with gneiss, penetrating the Kardamos Dome. The gneiss represents the lower unit of the Kardamos Dome and the marbles, the intermediate unit. Τhree main petrographic groups were identified: (a) Diorite (Dr), (b) Granodiorite (Grd), and c) Syeno-granite (SnGr). Xenoliths are found almost everywhere in the plutonite in a variety of shapes and sizes. Mafic microgranular enclaves have been found only in one area (approximately 300 m2) where there is an abundance and variety of enclaves. The minerals that appear in the above petrographic types are: quartz, plagioclases, k-feldspars, hornblende, biotite, epidote (magmatic and secondary), titanite, zircon and apatite. Metallic minerals as magnetite, pyrite and ilmenite have also been found. The rocks are metalluminous to peralluminous, exhibit high levels of K2O and they are classified as calc-alkaline and high K calc-alkaline rocks. The patterns of REEs are similar, suggesting that the rocks of the Mt Papikion plutonite are syn-magmatic. The plutonite crystallization conditions indicate that the bulk of the plutonite penetrated at a deep level and relatively high pressures, about 5 kbars, as the barometer of the amphibole showed. The plutonite’s evolution can be described as a process of assimilation with simultaneous fractional crystallization (AFC). The petrographic types of the Mt Papikion plutonite are essentially the result of a fractional crystallization of two melts, which have small geochemical differences, and at the same time assimilate the rocks into which they penetrate, namely gneiss and meta-SnGr. The total distribution coefficients calculated by the AFC models are consistent with the crystallization of plagioclase + K-feldspar + hornblende + biotite + apatite + zircon + alanite + titanite + magnetite. Concordia ages of the three samples dated with the U-Pb method in zircons are identical. The mean value is 236±8 Ma which can be considered as the age of crystallization of the samples as well as the age of plutonite intrusion, suggesting a magmatic episode in the Upper-Middle Triassic. The plutonite is associated with volcanic arc magmatism as shown by the diagrams used. During the Middle Triassic, as various researchers’ state, the ocean of Paleo-Tethys closes and the ocean plate subducts under individual parts of Eurasian continental blocks (active continental margins).
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