Ορυκτολογική, ορυκτοχημική και φα[σ]ματοκοπική (FTIR) μελέτη της εμφάνισης τυρκουαζ στην περιοχή Βάθη Ν. Κιλκίς = Mineralogical, mineral and fasmatoscopic (FTIR) study of the turquoise occurence in the Vathi area, Kilkis, Macedonia, Greece
Samples with turquoise from the Vathi area (Kilkis, Greece) have been studied microscopically, mineralogically, crystallographically, morphologically, mineral-chemically and spectroscopically in order to identify the existence of the mineral turquoise, determine its crystallographic characteristics, and calculate its chemical formula. Microscopic study in polar microscope revealed that the matrix mainly consists of clay minerals, Fe-oxides-hydroxides and calcite, assemblages of secondary, fine-crystalline, quartz placed in parallell-semiparallel arrangement with veinlets of fine-grained mica/sericite, while turquoise it appears in the form of fine- to cryptocrystalline aggregates, often adjacent or inside the sericitic veins to which it appears to be genetically linked. X-ray diffraction study revealed the presence of turquoise in two samples at 4% and 7% w/w, while quartz, mica, clay minerals, malachite and, occasionally hematite and K-feldspar were identified. Amorphous material was identified and clalculated in all samples. A drill core reference sample from the Vathi ares was found to consist of 89% w/w turquoise and 11% w/w amorphous material. The crystallographic characteristics of turquoise (triclinic unit cell data, space group P) that are contained in the examined samples is axis a 7.409Å, axis b 9.913 Å, axis c 7.634Å, angle α 111.37°, angle β 114.95°, angle γ 69.51° and cell volume 460.38Å3. From the SEM-EDS study it was found that the turquoise appears in the form of very fine- to cryptocrystalline aggregates, usually associated with very thin mica plates. The chemical formula of turquoise was calculated to be Cu1,02Ba0,02Al5,72Fe3+0,14As0,01(PO4)4,05(OH)8·4,5H2O. Through the Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, the characteristic vibrations that are correlated with the phosphate group, water and hydroxiles in the reference sample were identified. Based on them, the presence of turquoise, in small quantities, in the two of the examined samples was verified. This observation is in good compliance with the results of the mineralogical composition using the X-Ray Diffraction method.
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