Μελέτη γεωφυσικών χαρακτηριστικών μαγγανιούχων κοιτασμάτων στην περιοχή Πιάβιτσας Χαλκιδικής = Geophysical properties of manganese deposits in Piavitsa area (Chalkidiki).
The subject of this thesis is the application of geophysical methods in Piavitsa area, Chalkidiki, where surficial mineralization occurrences appear. The aim of this study is the identification of such zones of interest and their characterization both from a physical as well as geophysical perspective, through the combined interpretation of geological, drilling and geophysical data from multiple applied methods. The geophysical methods applied in this study are the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) with both direct current (DC) and induced polarization (IP) data, the Self-Potential (SP) method, as well as the VLF electromagnetic method. In the first part of the study, the self-potential method was applied in a number of areas where previous geological mapping studies revealed surficial zones of interest, while the other geophysical methods were subsequently applied in areas where the self-potential results suggested existence of possible deposits. The results obtained are generally in good agreement with the wider geological model of the area, as well as the smaller scale geological model resulting from geological mapping data. The combined interpretation of the geophysical data proved to be particularly useful in many cases, clarifying ambiguities created by both the complex geological model of the area as well as the type of mineralization and its relation to the rocks which is hosted. The drilling data assessment has also been an important guide for improving the interpretation of the geophysical results and linking the resulting values to the geological formations of the area, as well as the mineralization hosted within them.
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