Χρήση ζεολιθικού τόφφου στην καταπολέμηση εντόμων = the incectidal activity pf zeolitic tuff.
The insecticidal activity of zeolitic tuff to bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), which was experimentally studied by the Department of Mineralogy-Petrology-Economic Geology, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Department of Entomology, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, has been evaluated (Floros et al. 2017). Representative sample (NA11), originated from specific continuous layers of zeolitic tuff in Ntrista stream location of Petrota area of Evros region, has been collected and investigated by polarized and reflected light microscopy. It mainly contains tabular crystals of zeolite inside and outside the glass shards, and also feldspars, quartz, micas (biotite, muscovite and celadonite) and clay minerals, fragments of metamorphic rocks and vitreous mass. The X-Ray Diffraction analyses showed that it consists mostly of HEU-type zeolite (clinoptilolite-heulandite) (81 wt%), and has lower amounts of feldspars (4 wt%), quartz (2 wt%), cristobalite (2 wt%), mica and clay minerals (2 wt%) and vitreous mass (9 wt%). The mineral-chemistry showed that the zeolite is Ca-rich clinoptilolite and its chemical formula is Ca1,8K1,0Mg0,7Na0,5Al6,4Si29,5O72·21H2O. The evaluation of the insecticidal activity was done bibliographically from the results of experiments with varying doses of zeolite in measured quantities of bean seeds. The results showed that very high-quality natural zeolite formulation applied at low concentrations rates (0,5 gr of zeolite/1 kg of stored beans) had a high insecticidal activity against bean weevil adults. Also, the effect of temperature and relative humidity (RH) was tested and it had no significant consequence on the mortality of bean weevil. In addition, natural zeolite did not affect the bean bulk density in all tested concentrations which were efficient for the treatment of harmful insects. All the experimental tests were performed under laboratory conditions and further experiments need to be made in storage conditions to demonstrate the possible future use of the zeolite to treat harmful insects on stored products.
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