Μορφολογική και βιομετρική καταγραφή.αποτύπωση κρανίου αιλουροειδούς από τη θέση Δαφνερό 3 (DFN 3) του κάτω πλειστόκαινου.
In this paper a carnivore skull found in the Dafnero – 3 fossil site in Grevenna basin has been studied. The skull can be identified as a saber-toothed felid mainly due to its extremely elongated upper canine that was similar to the shape of a knife. Saber-tooths or Machairodontinae, were an extinct subfamily that belonged to the Felidae family. Moreover the morphological characteristics of the skull are described and measurements are taken when possible. A comparison is made between the DFN skull and several machairodontin species found in Europe. The comparison is mostly between the two main European ecomorphs, that is of Homotherium and Megantereon. According to the morphological and
metrical comparison of DFN3-152 it is identified as a Homotherium. However the identification of the species was not possible and remains open mainly due to the conflicted opinions of the researchers as far as the species taxonomy of Homotherium is concerned.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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Ελληνική Βιβλιογραφία
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