Βιομηχανικά ορυκτά και πετρώματα της Κύπρου = Industrial minerals and rocks of Cyprus
Since ancient times up until present day, the exploitation of natural resources of a country is the basic economic and social advantage. In this manner, the existence of a rich geological history in Cyprus, led to the mining and exploitation of natural metallic and non-metallic minerals. Cyprus is an island in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, which emerged during the alpine orogeny and geologically is divided into four zones. The first zone is that of Pentadaktylos, which is the northerner zone of the island and it consists of re-crystallized limestones, dolomites, marbles and in situ marine sediments. The second zone is that of Troodos, which is the central part and constitutes the core of Cyprus with its ophiolithic complex and its associated sediments. The third is the zone of Mamonia, which consists of volcanic, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and lastly the fourth zone is that of allochthonous sedimentary rocks, evaporites, unsorted or non-resident rocks and limestone rocks. Because of the ophiolite series, the island has deposits of mixed sulphides, chromite and asbestos, which have been exploited from ancient times to the present day. Apart from ores, due to the intense chemical sedimentation and the way it was created, Cyprus also has significant deposits of industrial minerals and rocks. These industrial minerals and rocks of the island that are being mined, apart from asbestos which its use has now been banned, are bentonite, gypsum, limestone and inorganic natural pigments, most of which are ochre, umber and tera verde. This thesis aims to present the way by which these minerals are created, their composition and properties, the way of extraction and industrial processing, as well as their uses in the industry and more generally in the everyday life of humans.
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Συνέντευξη από τον αξιότιμο κ. Νικόλα Γεωργίου ο οποίος είναι ο υπεύθυνος γεωλόγος του μεταλλείου στη περιοχή Σκουριώτισσα στην Κύπρο.
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