Μελέτη της ανωμειοκαινικής απολιθωματοφόρου θέσης σπονδυλωτών της Κρυοπηγής και άλλων θέσεων της Κασσάνδρας Χαλκιδικής. Συστηματική, ταφονομία, παλαιοοικολογία, βιοχρονολόγηση
In the present dissertation thesis the fossil vertebrate material from the Kryopigi and other localities of the Kassandra Peninsula of Chalkidiki, N. Greece, have been studied. The total number of studied specimens exceeds 8000 and each one has been collected during the systematic excavation research in the area the past 15 years. This study includes the systematic paleontology, the taphonomical analysis of the material, the paleoecological analysis and the biochronology of the various faunas. These localities have been found in terrestrial deposits of Antonios Formation and Triglia Formation, both dated to Late Miocene. The Kryopigi (KRY), the Kassandra-Chomateri (KCH) and the Polychrono (KPO) localities belong to Triglia Formation. Specimens that come from the Kassandra-Kryopigi (KKR), the “sand deposits of Kassandra” (FRK, KSN, AMPVG), the Aghia Paraskevi (PAR) and Chelona-Siviri (KSC) have been found in deposits of the Antonios Formation. Furthermore, in the “mad deposits of Kassndra” plant remains have been found. The material from Kassandra Peninsula belongs to 46 different taxa. The collection of the Kryopigi locality includes 32 taxa of mammals, reptiles and birds. The fauna from the Kassandra-Chomateri includes 5 taxa. The fauna of the “sand deposits of Kassandra” 9 taxa have been identified and in the Polychrono locality only one species. Four new taxa are proposed in the Kryopigi: the hipparion H. phlegrae the pig Propotamochoerus aegaeus sp. nov. the bird Otis hellenica and the bovid Prostrepsiceros axiosi minus subsp. nov. The fauna from the “sand deposits of Kassndra” is considered of Vallesian age. The species Tetralophodon longirostris is referred for the first time and the genus Urmiatherium has never been referred earlier from the Balkans apart from the Turolian Samos faunas. The Kryopigi fauna is dated to the second half of the Turolian, in late MN12 or early MN13. The various species appear to be more evolved than those from the faunas of Ravin des Zouaves-5 and Prochoma in the Axios Valley. Probably the Kryopigi fauna is more evolved from the Perivolaki fauna and more primitive than that of Dytiko localities. Αn age between 7.3-6.4 Ma is suggested for the Kryopigi fauna. The fauna from the Kassandra-Chomateri is dated to Turolian and maybe earlier than that of Kryopigi. The Polychrono locality is also dated to Turolian. At least 268 individuals have been estimated in the Kryopigi fauna. The bones in the Kryopigi locality accumulated due to carnivore activity during repeating dry periods and buried fast and close to their original place of death during floods. Paleoecological analysis includes the estimation of habitat score on the bovid and hipparion metapodials, the guild structure of the carnivores, the cenogram analysis of the Kryopigi fauna, and the estimation of the faunal similarity. All the results show more or less the same picture about the Kryopigi paleoecology. The environment was open, savanna-like with hot and dry climate. The presence of Varanus sp. in the fauna is indicative of an annual mean temperature 15ο C. Some animals in the Kryopigi fauna were well adapted in more forested environment.
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