Μετανάστευση Υδρογονανθράκων = Hydrocarbons' Migration
The purpose of this thesis is to review the literature regarding Hydrocarbon Migration, a process which is able to transfer the hydrocarbon’s molecules from source rock to reservoir. Migration is divided in primary, secondary and tertiary. The rate is calculated by mathematics and depends on factors, such as buoyancy, temperature and pressure, sediment compaction, capillary pressure, suffusion, pore pressure. In the end, are examined the tools, which are important for exploration and exploitation, such as satellite images, gravimetric, magnetic and seismic data.
Πλήρες Κείμενο:
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Ανδρέας Γεωργακόπουλος, Κοιτασματολογία Πετρελαίου, Θεσσαλονίκη.
Τσιραμπίδης, Ανανίας. Ιζηματογενή Πετρώματα. Θεσσαλονίκη: Γιαχούδη, 2008.
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W. A. ENGLAND, A. S. MACKENZIE, D. M. MANN & T. M. QUIGLEY, Geochemistry Branch, BP Research Centre, Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 7LN, UK, Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 144, 1987, Printed in Northern Ireland
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